Saturday, May 15, 2010

Too big to fail?

The IMF is setting the trend for bailing out countries on the verge of bankruptcy. Greece is the first; we see protestors fighting requests that they help get themselves out of the mess their neo-socialist policies have created. They demand that no changes be made--it is their right to retire at 50-55 and live in comfort--funded by other European countries. Any one who is paying attention will surmise that the US could soon be doing the same thing for insolvent states like California and New York.

This administration has reason to do this. These states have been run into the ground by their unsustainable spending. Without the leadership to demand serious cutbacks and with pressure from Unions to fight those needed changes, Obama Inc. will insist we must prop them up with the necessary bailout funds--through loans from China--to be paid back by the more fiscally responsible states.

But do we see what we are doing? We are like a family who 'enables' the reckless spending, irresponsible relative. And sooner or later, like that family, we'll find that instead of helping the person through a temporary rough patch, we've made the problem worse as their demand for help never ceases, ever growing with time as we continue to pay and digging us deeper into a whole of insolvency and debt ourselves.

The President does not concern himself with future problems--he is only concerned with the immediate 'benefit'. He knows that these large states, filled with democrat voters need to be placated so that he can retain power. And he wants to grow the number of people who look to government for all their needs--for him and all the other 'neo-comms', it's a 'win-win' situation.

But for the country as a whole and American who prize our liberty, it's a huge loss. We will be forced into perpetual servitude to our Govt. to feed the evergrowing demand for cash to maintain these states' bloated and unsustainable programs and pensions.

If things continue as they are headed, it's pretty clear that you and I will one day be working at Walmart long past retirement age to fund pensions and programs for citizens in California, Florida, New York et al. We will provide the 'slave labor' necessary to prevent them from failing.

The threat to our nation is very real. Like the family that tires of being soaked by their irresponsible relative, these situations often break up a family; and on a National level, this could be devastating to our Union.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tax hikes to come..

Republicans have been counting on angry voters to put them back in power this next November, but this may be harder to accomplish than they think. With a whopping 47 percent of Americans not paying taxes, this means a voting majority who don't care about their 'children and grandchildren' paying off the debt in higher and higher taxes. The fact is, they benefit from the taxes others pay. The minority who actually pay taxes are the ones who are upset about the enormous healthcare tax burden and the looming possibility of cap and trade--and as a minority, their frustrations will continue to be ignored.

As long as almost half of Americans benefit from these high tax burdens--and they vote--there's no reason to expect anything but more and higher taxes.

Lately this administration has been throwing out the 'trial balloon' for a value added tax--in other words, a national sales tax. This administration knows they cannot possibly pay for all they've planned on--without a VAT. This is what they have in Europe--it's how they pay for their 'socialized' govt. system--and that is what this Administration is determined to have here in the United States.

Once again, Republicans will have no say in what's done regarding a VAT; As long as Democrats have the majority and are willing, by any means necessary, to push through their agenda, regardless of whether or not it is unpopular with Americans (as was the case with the Healthcare bill) they will pass it.

How will the President explain his broken campaign promise that "95% percent of Americans would not see their taxes go up a single dime". I'm sure he won't have to, because none of the Main news media outlets will bother to ask him.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Facing reality: A Plea to Democrat voters

I have been trying to understand the Obama administration's actions. They continue to push the economy to the brink with increased spending. They pushed Healthcare through even though the majority of American's did not want it. They slight and offend our allies and reach out to our enemies.

As soon as I was willing to think the unthinkable, it all started to fall into place. They are purposefully pushing the economy to ruin--This administration wants to change our captialistic form of economy to one that is controlled by a central govt. If they push it to the brink of ruin (which is where we are headed with this kind of 'unsustainable' spending, then this will give them the ability to take over the financial sector--in order to 'protect us'.

They are pushing Healthcare because it is an important factor in 'transforming' the country into the vision they have for the U.S. Regardless of what Americans want. Once again, it is necessary to either take over the insurance companies or put them out of business--either way, it means the govt. will control our healthcare, our very bodies; something I always thought the Democrats with their demands we protect a woman's 'right to choose' would never give up .

And why are we snubbing our allies? One answer: It's clear this administration no longer wishes to align the U.S with democratic countries like Great Britain and Israel. It wants to lesson these ties and strengthen ties with communist and socialist countries. There is no other logical explanation for the President's rude and dismissive treatment of our democratic allies and his conciliatory actions towards China, North Korea and some third world dictators.

Democrats...I have a question for you. When you voted for 'change', was this the kind of 'change' you were thinking of? Did you want to see the country become something other than a representative republic? Did you want the Democrats to flaunt the Constitutional process in order to push through their partisan and extremely left agenda? Do you want to give up your personal liberties and individual freedoms in order to enjoy the protection of a nanny state?

Those of you who want to enjoy the benefits of a 'Nanny state' must realize, there is a trade off. If you want the Govt. to take care of you, you will have to give up the liberty granted you by the U.S. Constitution and preserved by the blood of brave men and women who've fought to keep us free, because governments with this much control cannot allow their citizens those kinds of freedoms--they cannot govern if the people are free.

You cannot have both a controlling govt. and a free people--it is simply not possible. Look back at history and see what the people gave up when the Govt. took over. Look at Germany under the National Socialists, look at Russia under the Communists, look at any controlling Govt. and you will see reality. You will see what the people gave up when they accepted what the govt. promised; nationalized healthcare, pensions, homes, food--there was the inevitable but often unspoken trade off--it was their freedom to choose for themselves.

This administration will not listen to Republicans. If they listen to anyone, it is only those in their own party. I believe they cannot implement the changes they desire for this country without the support or apathy of their own party. The problem is, there are many within their party who also want to see this country changed from a Representative Republic into a country run by a powerful central govt. which controls the people and the states. It will take the Democrats within the party who oppose this transformation to band with like minded Americans outside their party to have any chance to stop this.

And I'm not sure we can stop it. This administration knows that it does not matter if many in the country don't want this to happen. They only need to create a dependent class large enough to keep them in power and it won't matter how bitter the opposition is. This isn't hard to do; create a class of people who are dependent on govt. entitlements, welfare, jobless benefits, programs, tax credits (when they pay no tax), govt. subsidized housing, food, healthcare, childcare, govt. student loans... there is no end to the list of what they can offer to guarantee them a majority vote when elections roll around.

Please, ask yourselves, Democrats...Is this what you voted for? Because this is what your party is attempting to give us, that is, IF you sit by and let it happen.