Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Stamp act of 2012

Supreme court justice Roberts found the Mandate constitutional as a tax and so the mandate stands.  Will this be the 'stamp act' tax of our day that finally wakes up Americans to what is happening in our country?  Will they finally wake up to the fact that we no longer enjoy the freedoms we once had, that our President is governing like a King, ignoring Congress, the constitution and the obligations of his position?
I'm praying Americans will finally turn off their TV's, unplug their ipods, stop the endless pursuit of entertainment and aquisition and see what has happened to their rights and liberties as Americans.

 I'm hoping this unfair 'tax' will have the same effect as the one passed over 200 years ago that caused our ancestors to take a stand against a King who had overstepped his bounds. I hope Americans will be true to their roots and take a stand against a President who has violated his 'subjects' rights as well.
June 28, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Healthcare Law a violation of 'Right to Privacy'

It's Monday morning, June 25th and I'm waiting; hoping the Supreme court will give us their decision on the Healthcare Law.  My own feeling is that the Supreme Court should strike it down because it violates the 'Right To Privacy' which the court has, a number of times before, found in the Constitution.  If I am forced to buy health insurance, I am also forced to give up my private medical information to an insurance company. I am also forced to be under their jurisdiction for how I will be treated in my medical conditions.  I think I should have the right to the privacy of my own body and my own medical treatment and allowing the govt. to regulate it violates that privacy.
I hope-- however they consider the law; the Supreme Court will come to the same conclusion-the law is over reaching and puts restraints on Americans' liberty to be a free people.
I hope we won't have too much longer to wait, to find out.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Is it time to Impeach our President?

President Obama announced his administration will no longer enforce our immigration laws in regards to certain illegal immigrants who reside within our country.
From a news story:
 "For years the administration had said it didn’t have the authority to make such a move, saying it couldn’t decide to stop deporting wide categories of people on its own without approval from Congress.  But on Friday President Obama says administration now interprets the law to give it the discretion."
From the White House's own website it states clearly what Pres. Obama has sworn under oath do to: "Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress." When a President refuses to fulfill the responsibilities he swore to fill, it is time for Congress to take action. But will they?  Or will they continue to complain about his outrageous flaunting of the rule of law, but allow him to continue to pick and choose what laws he will enforce.  I hope Congress will do what they must to uphold the Constitution and warn the President that if he continues to refuse to enforce laws passed by them, he has abdicated his responsibilities and must be removed from office.  Any President, no matter his party affiliation, must abide by the constraints of our Constitution, otherwise he is setting himself to be a Dictator and my hope and prayer is that Americans will not stand for that. We shall see.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New strategy from the left

The voters won last night when Scott Walker and other Republican officials in Wisconsin managed to win re-election against the recall challenge.  But we'd better not think this is over.  Leftists have figured out a new way to subvert the will of the people.  If your Democrat candidate doesn't win, just prevent the Republican winner from actually being able to govern by keeping them distracted with recalls, lawsuits, and charges of impropriety, fraud, scandal--whatever works to keep them from being able to do the job they were elected to do.
Hopefully the voters will wake up and see the game that is being played and the fact that it's costing them a ton of tax payer money to fight these challenges and once again, subverting the will of the people.