Friday, May 11, 2012

Breaking down Societal Taboos, one magazine cover at a time..

Time Magazine's controversial cover showing a woman breastfeeding her son was meant to do more than just sell magazines.  That in itself is not controversial, but what made it so was the subtle sexual undertones in the layout.  The mother, a beautiful woman, dressed scantily, baring her breast with a boy who looks to be six (though apparently three) latched on, both looking at the camera.
We've seen too much of the relentless attacks on Judeo-Christian values by the media and those they service to not see right through this.
It is a clear attempt to break down the strong taboo against incest.  Now, I'm not saying this is incestuous.  What I'm saying is that they wanted to make regular people uncomfortable--they wanted them to feel bad about the feelings they have at the image, chastising themselves for being 'judgmental'.

'This is just another choice.  Breastfeeding is natural.  We shouldn't judge'.  Well, I'm a mother who breastfed my three children, though I stopped when they were between a year and a year and a half.  I don't have any problems with breastfeeding and I feel that most mothers know when it's time to stop or it could cause unhealthy attachment issues.  I also know that in some cultures children are breastfed a lot longer than in our culture with no problems.  I don't have a problem with any of those things.  I don't even care if the woman on Time's cover wants to breastfeed her three year old, though I seriously question her judgment in setting her son up for ridicule by peers as he gets older.
But I really am annoyed when I see I'm being manipulated by a magazine cover to make me associate breastfeeding with sexuality and I see it as an effort to break down the strong revulsions society carries toward incest.  The media may have been able to break down many long held taboos in this society--and they're efforts seem to be working, but in this case, I think they will find it a harder sell. I sure hope so.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A very 'transparent' President

Pres. Obama claimed that his administration was going to be the most transparent. Well, he's right about one thing--his motives are pretty transparent with his 'evolved' position on Gay Marriage.

The Pres. came out in support of Gay Marriage--after years of claiming he was not for it.  Why now?  Simple; He needs money and the LGBT groups have the money.  Once again he's exploiting a hot-button, emotionally charged issue to get people to open their wallets for him, at a time when his fundraising is worrisomely down. He couldn't come out in support during the first election because Blacks and Hispanics are consistently against redefining marriage and he didn't want to alienate those voters, but now, he'll take that chance for a short while in order to fill his coffers with much needed campaign funds as well as tie those voters to him.

And using his new 'enlightened' position in the future, we can be sure he'll try and polarize voters by pointing out Mitt Romney's support of Prop 8 and his support of marriage being between a man and a woman, which in turn, will bring the LGBT group firmly under his control.

I'm just hoping it backfires on him and he'll find it may give him the money he craves, but it won't bring him the votes--which is what actually counts come November.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Liberal Insanity Here and Abroad

Insanity has sometimes been defined as 'continuing to do the same thing, yet expect a different outcome'.  If we use this definition then Europe is insane and so are all Liberals who think that Socialism is the answer to creating prosperity and security for all.

If one looks at history, you'll find that when Socialism/Communism has been tried, it has failed and those countries who haven't failed yet are mired in misery.  Socialism does not work, yet we just witnessed Europeans throw a tantrum at facing the reality that their system will soon collapse and vote Socialist parties in to allow them to continue on their road to disaster.  I feel sorry for the people because I understand why they did it, but I also shake my head at their ignorance and the grief they are bringing upon themselves.

Let's hope Americans will not fall for the 'pie in the sky' fantasy that Socialism is and has always been.  Sooner or later reality sets in and the bottom falls out. I hope Europe's 'bottom' will fall out before America follows their same foolish path.