Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pres. Obama, a Muslim?

Okaaay. I got one of those emails that are sent around about Obama being a Muslim because he wasn't wearing his wedding ring during Ramadan. Soooo, I decided to check it out. It was true, and his explanation was that it was in for repairs. I can accept that. Besides, I sometimes forget to wear my ring and I often change it out for other rings (I love jewelry too much to be constrained to only one ring for all my married life!) so I don't take that seriously.

But no Christmas and Birthday presents??? Now, that's something that can't be explained away so easily.

While browsing, I found reported in a People Magazine interview from 2008 that the Obamas stated they don't give their daughters Birthday or Christmas presents. THAT, if you ask me, is the nail that closes this coffin. I have relatives by marriage who are Muslim and they do not give Birthday and Christmas presents. If you ask me, that's a bigger piece of evidence to suggest that he is indeed a practicing Muslim. One would expect that if he was a Christian, he would celebrate Christmas in the traditional way--and the no Birthday presents thing too?--that's Muslim.

It's no secret that he was raised Muslim in his early years and I suspect if he is at all religious, he's Muslim. His 'conversion' to Christianity was most likely to help him in his community organizing career.

Frankly, I don't have a problem with a Muslim President, but I do have a problem with one who is deceptive about his religion. I'm sure one day we'll know the truth, but I think I already know it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Collapse the system so it can be replaced;

The debt crisis is over and the media claims the Tea Party won. Huh? They raised the debt limit 2.4 trillion. Of course, they didn't touch the base line budgeting so that means the budget will continue to grow and essentially, they're cutting nothing. There is also nothing to encourage a balanced budget. And we have the real threat of higher taxes. So, how did the Tea Party win?

The FACT is, they didn't. The media believes that Americans don't pay any attention to what's actually going on and will believe whatever they read in the headlines.

What happened is that our legislators sold us what they wanted to sell us all along--business as usual. They continue to spend, we continue to pay, the media continues to spin and nothing changes. There were some who tried to stop this, but they are still too few. Hopefully we'll patiently work to continue to replace members in the Senate and Congress with people who won't continue 'business as usual', who don't put their own re-election needs first and who won't be afraid. If we can get enough, maybe we can go back to how the country was supposed to be run.

The Congress had power. They gave it up because they took the deal, but the deal was a sham. Now, we're back where we started. The President and Democrats spend out of control, reward their cronies, pet projects, unions, and ignore the warnings, with little real opposition.

Some can't imagine that Progressive Democrats and the President would continue on a course they know will collapse the system. But how else does the President follow through on his promise to 'fundamentally transform' the country? Cloward and Piven showed that if you put enough pressure on a system, you can collapse it. Then the way is clear to remake it as you choose. The President can't replace our present system while it's still working, but if it breaks, the way is clear.

The Republicans had a chance to throw a wrench in his plans and they were too afraid to use it. So we continue at full speed on a course towards destruction.