Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Time to clean house in Utah's Republican Party

Apparently the long knives are out for Mike Lee from members of his own party here in Utah.  Some are not happy that he refuses to 'go along to get along' doing business as usual in Washington DC.  They think they can do a better job of being carbon copy cut outs of the typical Washington politician.  I guess they haven't gotten the message that "We, The People" are tired of their schtick.
As a Utah voter who is still registered as a "Republican" (which may well change), I'm making a list of some of Lee's critics within the party who've gone after Mike Lee--so I can remember to NOT support them in any positions of power or send them any money if they try to run for office.

A. Scott Anderson
Spencer Zwick
Ex Gov Mike Leavitt
Rich McKeown
Thomas Wright
Dan Lillenquist

John Price
Fred Lampropolous
Jon Huntsman (He's not really a Republican, just figures he can win if he runs as one)

Hopefully other Republican Conservatives will wake up as well and realize our Party and whatever we might have stood for was sacrificed on the altar of these men's egos and ambitions long ago.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

America gets another wake up call

Something is wrong with our society.  The Newtown shooting, the Colorado Theatre shooting and now the Naval Yard shooting are not random acts of violence, they are the acting out by some disturbed young men who were raised in a society that preaches moral relativism and where few young people were schooled in any kind of religious beliefs or practices.  They were raised in a society where a nuclear intact family is rare and even discouraged.  They were raised on a media diet of violence and in a society that believes the value of human life is relative.
Since the 1960's our society has been falling apart at a steady rate and after a couple of generations raised under these circumstances, we are now reaping the consequences.

I realize that most people who carry out these kinds of massacres are mentally ill, but mental illness alone does not create mass murderers--more ingredients need to be added to the pot for a mass murderer to develop and be able to act.  I think society has been experimenting with some very damaging things and we are now seeing the result.

There IS something wrong with our society, but it can be fixed, if we want to.  Start by loving our family members, serving others, hard, honest work and returning to a belief in moral absolutes.  Putting the needs of others first would go a long way to turning this sinking ship around.  The Savior, Jesus Christ, was our God at one time--as a nation, whether they admitted it or not, people in general lived by his code--'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' and love God as well as your fellowmen.  Over the years, we've left the churches that taught us how to be good people, we no longer read his word, and we have elevated the pursuit of pleasure, wealth and fame as our top priority. Our heroes are degenerate narcissists.  We drug ourselves with legal and illegal substances and distract from our day to day concernes with various forms of entertainment.  We put our own selfish desires above even our own children's needs.  And then, as a society, we are shocked and appalled to find that each successive generation raised under these circumstances is more screwed up than the last.

We're better than this.  We're Americans;  that used to mean something--if you want to know what it meant, study our Nation's history; we were indeed, 'exceptional'.  It is time for us as a nation to wake up and fix this mess....the first place to start is in our own lives and with our own families.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Republic on the edge of demise

The Prophet of the Restoration, Joseph Smith, warned of a time when there would be a very serious threat to our Constitutional Government and he also told us the remedy;

“Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.” (Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844.)

Through out the history of our Nation, there have been a number of times when the Constitution has been threatened and it has been saved by those who have banded together to voice strong public opinion or act politically to save it.

To a Representative Republic such as ours, Nationalized Healthcare, such as Obamacare, represents a clear deviation from our Constitution and will bind Americans down and remove many of our civil liberties. 

The grassroots effort to defund Obamacare is one of those times in history and it gives every American the chance to stand up and be counted in opposing and attempting to stop the destruction of our liberties.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gay Marriage Ruling by the Supreme Court

So, the wait is over and the High Court has spoken.  No surprises there; after seeing John Roberts efforts to salvage Obamacare last year, I was certain the court was NOT going to vote against the President's desire for California's law to be struck down. The decision on DOMA was the one I expected from this court.  Never mind that the will of the voters is ignored in favor of a couple of judges.  It will be interesting to see how they take it--though I suspect that if there are enough 'bread and circuses' to keep them distracted, Californians won't make much of a fuss.

The President immediately went on record stating that he won't force churches to perform gay marriages.  I guess he thought this was supposed to allay fears, but it only proved to me that he will eventually manipulate laws and issue executive orders to 'force' or coerce (by hook or crook) till he gets churches to bow to his will.  The very FACT that he made that statement tells me that he believes he has the power and the right to force churches to perform gay marriages.  Some will fall in line, just as they did under Nazi Pressure during Hitler's reign of terror in Germany, but others will stand against him, firm to their principles and beliefs, though they will suffer for it.

Before he won his first Presidential election, Senator Obama told an adoring audience that he was one day away from 'fundamentally transforming this country'.  He's right on track for completing his objective--I'm just not sure the transformation is what the American people had in mind and frankly, when they finally wake up and take notice, I don't think they'll be happy with the change.  Unfortunately, it will be too late for the 'United' States of America.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Game of Thrones and the Gang of 8

I've been watching the Gang of  8 as they try to pass Immigration reform and realized why they are sewing the seeds of their own destruction--and it parallels what happened to the Starks in 'Game of Thrones'.  Spoiler alert for any who are watching or reading the series, but at the end of the 2013 season, we see the Stark family make a disastrous decision which ends in their destruction.
Through some decisions they made, they lost their Bannermen (those who supported and fought with them) and yet, they still want to continue fighting to take the throne.  They refuse to take the best and safest course of action and return home, regroup and live to fight another day--instead they choose to follow the only course of action open, but the one which involves the most risk for losing everything and is dependent on trusting a man they betrayed earlier.  They want so badly to believe that he is sincere in 'burying the hatchet' that they ignore the warnings and willingly walk into a trap where they are slaughtered.
Marco Rubio is making THE SAME mistake.  He is desperate to make a name for himself in immigration issues and desires to shore up his appeal with the hispanic vote and rather than be cautious and careful, he has made risky deals with those who have made it their quest to destroy his party and everything it stands for.  Rubio has shown his inexperience and naivety in this action.  Of course, if he's learned to play the game of Politics, this won't end as disastrously for Rubio as it did for the Starks. If it destroys his political career as a Republican, he can always switch parties.  Savvy Politicians always make sure they have a life raft and jacket so they don't 'go down with the ship'--the hopes and desires of the citizens who voted for them.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

'Sit down and shut up'

Radio host Glenn Beck has said a number of times that this is the message of the Obama Administration to every request for 'transparency' on what is going on with the IRS targeting conservative groups, the AP phone tapping and the 9-11 attack on the Benghazi Embassy just for starters. 
Well, we just witnessed the first lady, Michelle Obama essentially say that to one of representatives of her husband's most ardent supporters, the LGBT community.  She was speaking at a Democrat fundraiser and a gay rights activist called out, asking when the President would sign an executive order to prevent discrimination against gays in the workplace.  Michelle turned on this woman and we saw the mask slip--and it was frightening.  She threatened to walk off the stage, rather than have to put up with someone speaking out of turn.
The audience immediately turned on the woman, one of their own, insisting that she leave.  These people are an example of what Lenin termed 'useful idiots'.  There were many from the gay community in attendance who gave a lot of money to get Obama reelected and I guess some, like the woman who spoke out, thought that earned them some right to speak out on what they wanted to see the President do with the four additional years they bought for him.  If any were under that delusion, they got a rude awakening.  The Obama Administration does as they please and if you question them you are told to 'sit down and shut up'. 
The message came through loud and clear:  'Give us your money and we'll tell you what rights you can have, don't you DARE question us!' 

Monday, May 20, 2013

A very different outcome if the Nixon administration had been allowed to invesigate 'Watergate'

I like time machine and going back in time storylines--In the world of movies, they usually aren't very complex, but in reality, imagine a spiderweb of separate strands and what would happen if one strand were altered and what might be the possible implications for future events.  Now imagine that when the first accusations came out against President Nixon, he had been allowed to have his Judicial Department investigate what we now know as 'Watergate'.  Do you think they would have allowed the truth to come out? The truth which eventually exposed the serious illegal actions of the President, brought about impeachment proceedings and forced him to resign?

Reason tells us 'no'. Yet, the Obama Administration is insisting that they be allowed to investigate the events surrounding Benghazi, the IRS targetting political opponents and the illegal wire tapping of AP reporters.

WHO in their right mind thinks NOT appointing a special prosecutor to investigate is a good idea????  Let's hope our elected leaders in Washington will do the right thing and do their job to make sure this is investigated properly.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Someone needs to inform the Prez....

Now Pres. Obama says he didn't find out that his administration was wiretapping the AP until he read it in the newspaper.

Either he's a liar or his staff is incompetent.  If he's a liar, there isn't much we can do about it--the people picked him, but if it is an incompetent staff, then they need to be replaced with people who can do their job; which apparently is to keep the President updated on current events between his parties, vacations and golf outings.

My guess is that he's lying and he's pretty bad at it.  I remember the first time he lied to us--the people. He claimed he'd NEVER discussed his open senate seat with ANYONE.  That was a foolish lie and right then I knew we were dealing with a habitual liar--one who doesn't even know how to lie convincingly.  All he had to say was 'Of course I've discussed who they should consider to replace me in the Senate--but just giving suggestions is expected and that's the extent of my involvement.'  But no, he had to claim he said nothing to anyone-hadn't had a conversation at all and this was totally unbelievable.

It is also unbelievable that no one on his staff ever warns him of things brewing--he's always oblivious to the scandals--even ones that have been simmering for a couple of years, such as the IRS mess. 
If you are wondering, the answer is no...I don't think his staff is incompetent--at least not in this situation.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Benghazi lies and obstruction in light of the Valerie Plame episode.

As more information comes to light about the Benghazi Embassy terror attack, it is clear that lies were told, the public was mislead and information was obscured--all to protect the President's reelection bid.  It worked because he got his four more years.

I'm reminded of Scooter Libby and the Valerie Plame episode.  Scooter Libby was indicted on two counts of perjury, two counts of making false statements to federal investigators and one count of obstructions of justice.  He was forced to resign from the three government positions he held. He was later convicted of four of the five counts against him and received a prison sentence. Given what is being revealed about the Benghazi coverup, I'd expect nothing less than the same treatment if we find that govt. officials made false statements and obstructed justice--but I won't hold my breath. 

Scooter Libby was Republican and that seems to be a requirement for justice to be meted out when it comes to political appointees behaving badly.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Better late than never....

From Fox this morning;

"President Obama said he is unaware of longstanding efforts by Republican lawmakers to question survivors of the Benghazi attacks but pledged to investigate the issue.
“I’m not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying,” the president said during a White House news conference on Tuesday. “So what I’ll do is I will find out what exactly you’re referring to.”    

 You've GOT to be kidding.... either he's a complete doof or he's lying. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt that he's sincere and REALLY has no clue what's been going on for months and months.

How pathetic is it when average citizens know more about what's going on in current events than the 'leader of the Free World'! Pres. Obama apparently doesn't even bother to read newspapers, let alone attend briefings.

Could someone on his staff please READ the news stories to him while he's traveling around to his various golf outings and celebrity fundraisers???