Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gay Marriage Ruling by the Supreme Court

So, the wait is over and the High Court has spoken.  No surprises there; after seeing John Roberts efforts to salvage Obamacare last year, I was certain the court was NOT going to vote against the President's desire for California's law to be struck down. The decision on DOMA was the one I expected from this court.  Never mind that the will of the voters is ignored in favor of a couple of judges.  It will be interesting to see how they take it--though I suspect that if there are enough 'bread and circuses' to keep them distracted, Californians won't make much of a fuss.

The President immediately went on record stating that he won't force churches to perform gay marriages.  I guess he thought this was supposed to allay fears, but it only proved to me that he will eventually manipulate laws and issue executive orders to 'force' or coerce (by hook or crook) till he gets churches to bow to his will.  The very FACT that he made that statement tells me that he believes he has the power and the right to force churches to perform gay marriages.  Some will fall in line, just as they did under Nazi Pressure during Hitler's reign of terror in Germany, but others will stand against him, firm to their principles and beliefs, though they will suffer for it.

Before he won his first Presidential election, Senator Obama told an adoring audience that he was one day away from 'fundamentally transforming this country'.  He's right on track for completing his objective--I'm just not sure the transformation is what the American people had in mind and frankly, when they finally wake up and take notice, I don't think they'll be happy with the change.  Unfortunately, it will be too late for the 'United' States of America.

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